High quality fine art glicée prints of sharks and other fish on fine art paper are available in different sizes.

Click below to view prints available.

Original watercolor paintings in mahogany frames are also available.


Sharks have become one of the most feared, most misunderstood and hated species in the world. They have been chased, hunted, and slaughtered at the unbelievable rate of over 100 million sharks per year, versus 6 human deaths attributed to sharks each year. Many species of sharks are critically endangered due to finning for soup, unsustainable fishing practices and environmental damage to our oceans, compounded by the slow breeding cycles of sharks.

Edgar Stewart has always been fascinated by these beautiful, powerful creatures and paints life sized portraits of them to share his awe of these majestic animals. He hopes that in creating these large scale watercolors of sharks, others can share in their beauty and recognize the value of protecting them.

A healthy and abundant ocean, and the communities that rely on it, depend on healthy shark populations and by keeping fishing and trade at sustainable levels.